TUNESS successfully organized a Networking and Fundraising Ramadan Dinner on June 2016 NYC. Guests attended "iftar" in a convivial and joyful atmosphere.The Ramadan Basket fundraising effort collected $2550 (~5348TD). Our local partner in Tunisia IRADA pour le développement Ksar Gafsa, professionally managed the purchasing of goods & distribution of food to families in need. In total 54 families that met conditions described next benefited from this event. Special thanks to contributors, TUNESS team, IRADA, and all involved parties!
Selon les statistiques du Ministère de l’Education, 40% des écoles de la République sont des écoles rurales. Les écoliers âgés de 6 à 12 ans sont obligés de parcourir quotidiennement en moyenne 1 à 14 kilomètres à pied. Par conséquent, 70 000 écoliers abandonnent l’école chaque année. C’est le genre de statistiques qui font peur et qui doivent nous inquiéter au plus haut point.
Les enfants de l’école GHAR WENKEL ont besoin d’aide! Ils ont besoin de notre soutien pour rester scolarisé, ils ont besoin de Nous, Agissons!
TUNESS en partenariat avec l’Association HIPPO DIRUTUS Page Facebook : Renouveler Bizerte met en place une campagne de collecte de dons.
Many children in Tunisia drop out of school at a very young age because of the lack of resources, low income and poor school transportation. According to statistics from the Ministry of Education of Tunisia, 40% of local schools are rural schools. School children aged 6 to 12 years are forced to walk daily on average 1 to 9 miles. Annually, a staggering 70,000 pupils drop out of school due to many factors (e.g., poverty, family issues, long way to travel, difficult geographic conditions, ignorance of school value, non-availability of public transportation, etc.). In 2012 alone, 100,000 pupils dropped out of school across the country mainly in the disadvantaged areas. Ghar Wenkel School (Bizerte) is among many rural schools in Tunisia that did not get the attention it deserved from the government for improvement.
TUNESS members organized a fundraising event for the benefits of the orphins at Diar Al Amel. Thanks to the generous contribution of the many people and the effort of TUNESS volunteer and popluar musicans that contirbuted to the event to name few Yasmine Azaiez, Maya De Silva, and Andalusian and Mediterranean Music. After the event we were able to raise $2776.75, one TUNESS active member decised to round the number up to $3,000 before making the transfer to Tunisia. On behalf of the babies, Diar El Amel, president sent TUNESS members and all the contributors, a thank you letter and a scanned image of the receipt.
TUNESS organized a fundraising event organized on February 6, 2011 in honor of the martyrs of the Tunisian Revolution in collaboration with Alwan Center for the Arts. Altogether, there were over 200 people who attended the fundraiser and enjoyed a day of good Tunisian gastronomy, delightful Arab performers, and outpouring solidarity.